.. _tutorials: ========= Tutorials ========= - `PySAL Package Documentation: Explanation and Comparison of Spatial Access Methods (PDF) `_ - How to Get Results for Your Own Data with the LiveApp `(PDF) `_ and `(R code) `_ - `Generating and Contrasting Access Measures (Notebook) `_ - `Package Overview (15-minute conference presentation J. Koschinsky) `_ Data Preparation ---------------- - `How to Subset Travel Cost Matricies (Notebook) `_ - `How to Read, Filter, and Convert Shapefiles to .geojson (Notebook) `_ Implementing access ------------------- - `How to Use access to Compute Access Scores to Resources Given XY Coordinates (Notebook) `_ - `How to Use access to Compute Access Scores to Resources Given XY Coordinates Snapped to Census Tract Centroids (Notebook) `_ - `Building Gravity Models, Producing Composite Access Scores, and Producing Euclidean Distance Cost Matricies (Notebook) `_