Source code for access.raam

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def iterate_raam(

    norig, ndest = travel.shape
    assignment = np.zeros((norig, ndest))
    assignment[range(norig), travel.argmin(axis=1)] = demand

    for i in range(max_cycles):

        demand_at_supply = assignment.sum(axis=0)
        congestion_cost = demand_at_supply / supply
        total_cost = congestion_cost + travel

        max_locations =, assignment == 0).argmax(axis=1)
        min_locations = total_cost.argmin(axis=1)

        slmin = supply[min_locations]
        slmax = supply[max_locations]

        trlmin = travel[range(norig), min_locations]
        trlmax = travel[range(norig), max_locations]

        drlmin = assignment[range(norig), min_locations]
        drlmax = assignment[range(norig), max_locations]

        dr = drlmin + drlmax

        drotherlmin = demand_at_supply[min_locations] - drlmin
        drotherlmax = demand_at_supply[max_locations] - drlmax

        drlmin_new = ((slmin * slmax) / (slmin + slmax)) * (
            (trlmax - trlmin) + (dr + drotherlmax) / slmax - drotherlmin / slmin

        delta = drlmin_new - drlmin

        delta = np.minimum(delta, drlmax)
        delta = np.where(max_locations == min_locations, 0, delta)

        if type(initial_step) is float:
            step_size = initial_step * 0.5 ** (i / half_life)
            if step_size < min_step:
                step_size = min_step

            delta = np.minimum(delta, step_size * demand).astype(int)


            step_size = int(np.round(initial_step * 0.5 ** (i / half_life)))
            if step_size < min_step:
                step_size = min_step

            delta = np.minimum(delta, step_size).astype(int)

        ## We don't want "attractive locations" getting mobbed.
        ## This will only happen in the first 10-20 cycles.
        ## So only do these (somewhat costly checks) then.
        if i < limit_initial:

            delta_mat = np.zeros(travel.shape)
            delta_mat[range(norig), min_locations] += delta

            naive_assignment = delta_mat.sum(axis=0) / (supply)  # * rho)
            scale_factor = np.maximum(naive_assignment, 1)

            delta_mat = (delta_mat / scale_factor).round().astype(int)

            delta = delta_mat.sum(axis=1)

        assignment[range(norig), min_locations] += delta
        assignment[range(norig), max_locations] -= delta

        assert (assignment.sum(axis=1) == demand).all()

        if not (i % 25):
            raam_cost = (total_cost * assignment).sum(axis=1) / assignment.sum(axis=1)

            if verbose:
                    "{:d} {:.2f} {:d} {:.3f}".format(
                        i, raam_cost.mean(), delta.sum(), step_size
                    end=" || ",

    raam_cost = (total_cost * assignment).sum(axis=1) / assignment.sum(axis=1)

    return raam_cost

[docs]def raam( demand_df, supply_df, cost_df, demand_index=True, demand_name="demand", supply_index=True, supply_name="supply", cost_origin="origin", cost_dest="dest", cost_name="cost", tau=60, rho=None, max_cycles=150, initial_step=0.2, min_step=0.005, half_life=50, verbose=False, ): """Calculate the rational agent access model's total cost -- a weighted travel and congestion cost. The balance of the two costs is expressed by the :math:`\\tau` parameter, which corresponds to the travel time required to accept of congestion by 100% of the mean demand to supply ratio in the study area. Parameters ---------- demand_df : `pandas.DataFrame <>`_ The origins dataframe, containing a location index and a total demand. demand_origin : str is the name of the column of `demand` that holds the origin ID. demand_value : str is the name of the column of `demand` that holds the aggregate demand at a location. supply_origin : str is the name of the column of `demand` that holds the origin ID. supply_df : `pandas.DataFrame <>`_ The origins dataframe, containing a location index and level of supply cost_df : `pandas.DataFrame <>`_ This dataframe contains a link between neighboring demand locations, and a cost between them. cost_origin : str The column name of the locations of users or consumers. cost_dest : str The column name of the supply or resource locations. cost_name : str The column name of the travel cost between origins and destinations weight_fn : function This fucntion will weight the value of resources/facilities, as a function of the raw cost. max_cycles : int Max number of cycles. max_shift : int This is the maximum number to shift in each cycle. max_cost : float This is the maximum cost to consider in the weighted sum; note that it applies along with the weight function. Returns ------- access : pandas.Series A -- potentially-weighted -- Rational Agent Access Model cost. """ if demand_index is not True: demand_df = demand_df.set_index(demand_index) if supply_index is not True: supply_df = supply_df.set_index(supply_index) demand_df = demand_df[demand_df[demand_name] > 0].copy() supply_df = supply_df[supply_df[supply_name] > 0].copy() demand_locations = list(set(cost_df[cost_origin]) & set(demand_df.index)) supply_locations = list(set(cost_df[cost_dest]) & set(supply_df.index)) cost_pivot = cost_df.pivot(index=cost_origin, columns=cost_dest, values=cost_name) try: travel_np = cost_pivot.loc[demand_locations, supply_locations].to_numpy().copy() except: travel_np = cost_pivot.loc[demand_locations, supply_locations].values.copy() travel_np = travel_np / tau travel_np =, np.isnan(travel_np)) # If it is not specified, rho is the average demand to supply ratio. if rho is None: rho = demand_df[demand_name].sum() / supply_df[supply_name].sum() try: supply_np = supply_df.loc[supply_locations, supply_name].to_numpy().copy() except: supply_np = supply_df.loc[supply_locations, supply_name].values.copy() supply_np = supply_np * rho # Change this -- should be try: demand_np = demand_df.loc[demand_locations, demand_name].to_numpy().copy() except: demand_np = demand_df.loc[demand_locations, demand_name].values.copy() raam_cost = iterate_raam( demand_np, supply_np, travel_np, verbose=verbose, max_cycles=max_cycles, initial_step=initial_step, min_step=min_step, half_life=half_life, ) rs = pd.Series(name="RAAM", index=demand_locations, data=raam_cost) return rs